
Sabr teaches how to be spiritually strong and continuing doing good things in the personal and collective realms, especially when faced with opposition or obstacles, setbacks, or unexpected and unwelcome outcomes. It is perseverance in the face of all unfavourable outcomes.

Having sabr doesn't mean you're not allowed to have emotions. Even with all the anger, even with all the sadness, even with the nights you cried your eyes out, you were grateful to Allah swt. You still turned to him and trusted his plan.
It was never that easy to have faith that things going to work out just the way you want when things proof you the otherwise. In Quran, Allah said: "And be Patient. Surely, Allah is with those who are patient " Allah assured individuals who are going through hardships or tribulations that He is with them, guiding and helping them and ensuring their victory. Allah said: "Surely, Allah is with those who are As-Sabiroon (the patient)" (Quran, 8;46). We can conclude from this ayat that no matter what condition we are in, we must be faithful and patient since Allah is with us and will never abandon us.

So many times in our life, we experience something that makes us believe that it is the worst thing that could possibly happen to us. However, when peace and ease arrive after the trial, we recognise that the terrible times had occurred for a reason. As a result, believers must exercise patience and trust in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala), who is sufficient for us and the best organiser of all our affairs. He will lead us to what is best for us in this life and in the afterlife.

With patience you will get all good things as Almighty Allah says in Quran : "But if you endure patiently, verily, it is better for As-Sabirin" (Quran, 16;126). If we do not receive the reward of patience in this life, it will undoubtedly be saved by Almighty Allah for the eternal Hereafter.
